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3-Day Orientation Programme

ISM organised a three-day orientation programme for the first year students from 01 to 03 September. It was held with the participation of about 200 new entrants. Obeying the convention of the institution, the programme commenced with the lightning lamp and reciting Saraswati Hymn by the Convener of the programme Assistant Professor Mrs ShilpiKavita, Domain Leaders and Mr. ShirishJha. The commencement of the event was marked by the cordial welcome speech presented by moderator of the whole programme, Assistant Professor, Dr. Sweta. She introduced all the higher authorities Chairman, Sri Samrendra Singh Sir, Vice Chairman, Mr. Deval Singh Sir, Secretary, Mr. Amal Singh Sir and Administrator, Mrs Neeru Jha to the students. Following that, Domain Leaders Dr. Priydarshini, Dr. Tushar Arya and Mrs. Pooja Dubey made the students familiar with IT, Marketing and HR departments, their erudite faculty members and concerned co-curricular activities respectively. The faculty members of the Management and IT department took turns to introduce themselves and exhorted the students to remain motivated to respond challenges of academic as well as co-curricular activities for holistic development of their personality. They also highlighted some essential rules and regulations of the institute to maintain the prestigious decorum of the campus.

The second day of the orientation programme was commenced with the addresses of Dr. Mohit Kumar. Channel Sales, Eureka Fobes; Group HR Head of Mundeshwari Group, Mr. ShirshJha and Mr. Ravindra Kumar, CFP, Director, Rapture Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Throughout their addresses they enlightened the students with the scopes of Marketing, HR and Finance and their career prospects respectively.

On the third day of the programme the students got an opportunity to interact with Dr. Shailesh Kumar Shrivastava, Scientist and Digital Government Research Centre, NIC, Govt. of India, Patna, Mrs Usha Jha, Proprietor Petals Craft, Mainali Chaklanvis, DD News Anchor, Communication & Soft Skills Trainer, academician and author and Mrs Barkha, City Radio. They shared some of their insightful experiences and encouraged the importance of bringing out creativity to be successful in professional life. At the end of the programme, Mr. Shirish Jha and Assistant Professor, Mr. Nayan Ranjan Sinha, motivated the students by telling some motivational stories of great business giant of the world. Eventually, this inspirational, insightful and interesting orientation programme was brought to its end with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr. NayanRanjan Sinha.