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Advance Python

Course Objectives:
The course is designed to provide Basic knowledge of Python. Python programming is intended for software engineers, system analysts, program managers and user support personnel who wish to learn the Python programming language.

Total No of Lectures: 40

Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
  • Analyse a problem and implement it using Python Programming.
  • How an existing Python program works;
  • How to find errors in a Python program and describe how to fix them;
  • How Python improves other languages with object-oriented features.
  • To familiarize the students with language environment.
  • To implement various concepts related to language.
  • To understand the difference between object oriented programming and procedural oriented language and data types in Python.
  • To understand the GUI feature with different topics such as composition of objects, Operator overloading, inheritance, Polymorphism etc.
  • At the end of the course students will able to simulate the problem in the subjects like web pages, Computer networks and real world problems

Course Content:
1. Object Oriented Python – a recap
This includes topic such as Assertion, Decorators ,Generators, Iterators
2. Classes and constructor in Python
This module should include Creation, Execution of constructor using class module ,function, Modules etc.
3. GUI in Python
It highlights the Introduction to GUI building libraries, Widgets, Button, Canvas , Checkbutton ,Entry Frame ,Label , Listbox , Menubutton , Menu , Message , Radiobutton , Scale , Scrollbar . Text ,Toplevel , Spinbox, PanedWindow ,LabelFrame etc.
4. Basic image processing using Python
It deals with Introduction to Canvas with digital, image processing, Basic operations on an image, Crop, Scale, Rotate, Flip, Changing, contrast, brightness and color, Events, etc.

Certification Course On Mathematics

Certification course on mathematics modules allow student to probe thinking about proportional reasoning, data analysis, and number sense & pre-algebra by learning how to examine student work with a computer programming and crictical thinking.

The course is designed to equip the students with knowledge of various mathematical concept and to develop skills and understanding of various inequalities for further studies.

Course Objective
• recognize that mathematics permeates the world around us.
• appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics.
• enjoy mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving problems.
• understand and be able to use the language, symbols and notation of mathematics.
• develop mathematical curiosity and use inductive and deductive reasoning when solving problems.

Expected Outcome
• Perform computations in higher mathematics
• Read and understand middle-level proofs
• Write and understand basic proofs
• Develop and maintain problem-solving skills
• Use mathematical ideas to model real-world problems
• Communicate mathematical ideas with others
• Utilize technology to address mathematical ideas

First Semester




Second Semester


Data Analysis Using MS excel

Course: BBA

Course Objective:
In today’s business scenario use of Excel is widespread in the industry. It is a very powerful data analysis tool and almost all big and small businesses use Excel in their day to day functioning. The course is designed to impart basic operations skills such as reading data into excel using various data formats, organizing and manipulating data, to some of the more advanced functionality of Excel. All along, Excel functionality is introduced using easy to understand Hands-on skill to students with the Modern tools and techniques used in an Organization.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course student should be able to perform data analysis tools and techniques using MS Excel required in business analytics.


Getting to Know Excel
The Ribbon
Identify the terminology and elements of the Ribbon.
Utilize the keyboard or mouse to select cells and ranges in a spreadsheet.
First File
Create your first Excel file, enter data and create a table.
Format cells by selecting fonts and color fills to make information more attractive.
Basic Math& Math Functions
Utilize basic mathematics including multiplication and division in Excel. Learn basic math functions including SUM, ROUND and SUBTOTAL.
Essential Formula Knowledge
Cell Referencing,Learn about working with absolute and relative cell referencing, and techniques for copying formulas.
Logic Functions
Learn to build standalone logical IF functions, including COUNT, COUNTA.
Conditional Math
Learn to use SUMIF, COUNTIF and SUMPRODUCT to add cells only when certain conditions are met.
Basic Statistics & Test Statistics
Learn basic statistical functions Histogram, Line Graph, Scatter plot, AVERAGE, STDEV, MAX, MIN, MEDIAN and MODE. Correlation, Test Statistics, T-test, Chi Square test
Learn to use LOOKUP functions to find an approximate match and return it or the corresponding value from another column.
Financial Functions
Using PMT Formula & Goal Seek Function PV, FV, NPV, IRR, IPMT & PPMT Formulas CUMIPMT, CUMPRINC, Calculating EMI (Loan Calculator)
Learn to sort data in Excel by a single column or by multiple columns.
Learn to filter Excel data for specific words, dates, and apply multiple filters to a single data table.
Excel Tables
Learn about creating Excel tables, and their advantages.
Create diagrams by using Smart Art
Create shapes and mathematical equations
Create hyperlinks
Paste charts into other documents
Insert Picture etc
Recording Macros
Learn to record basic Excel macros to automate your actions (instead of doing them manually).
Learn to create and modify basic PivotTables (for quickly summarizing and highlighting data).
Enable and examine macros,Create and modify macros
PivotTables, Pivot Chart
Learn to control formatting and other options in PivotTables.
Calculated Fields in PivotTables
Learn to create and modify basic calculated fields for PivotTables.
What-If Analysis
Learn to perform what-if analysis in Excel using the Scenario Manager and Goal-Seek.
Cell Formatting.
Learn to work with the Format Cells dialog to apply text rotation and borders and to center data across multiple cells.
Learn to create top/bottom and highlight cell rules, as well as to apply icon sets and data bars.
Conditional Formats with Custom Rules
Learn to create custom conditional formatting rules based on formulas.
Building Column Charts
Learn how to create an effective column chart by reducing ink and 'noise' that distract from the main messages.
Data Validation Lists
Use to restrict users ability to enter invalid data in cells by providing them with a drop down list of valid options.
Security Considerations
Learn about the setup and weaknesses of Excel’s security systems.

Text Books Reference Book:
1. Microsoft Excel 2016 - Data Analysis and Business Modeling Paperback – 1 May 2017 by Wayne L. Winston
2. Advance excel 2016 training guide Paperback – Import, 1 Nov 2017 by Ritu Arora ;BPB Publication

Computerized Accounting using Tally ERP 9 with GST

Course: BCA

Course Objective
In today’s business scenario accounting has widened its scope from Book keeping, recording and summarizing financial transactions. It has now become an integral part of Enterprise Resource Planning. Objective of Computerized Accounting using Tally .ERP 9 is to impart Hands-on skill to students with the Modern accounting tools and techniques used in an Organization.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course student should be able to understand accounting and business operations. The students would also be able to explain the objective of financial reporting and related key accounting assumptions and principles. Finally students would be able to perform accounting operations on ERP software.

Duration of the Course: (in hours) 45 hrs


Module 1: Introduction to Financial Accounting:
Accounting Concepts, Accounting Rule
Module 2: Financial Accounting Basics:
Company Creation-Accounts Configuration- Accounts Classification-Voucher Types and Classes- Accounts Vouchers
Module 3: Inventory:
Introduction to Inventory; Stock Groups-Stock Categories-Stock Item- Locations / Go downs- Units of Measure-Price List-Tariff classification-Purchase and Sales Order Invoice Entry-POS Invoice Bill of Material
Module 4: Document Printing
Printing, Printing Configuration for Vouchers and Printing Reports
Module 5: Software Maintenance & Upgrades
Upgrade- Data Maintenance-Export of Data
Module 6: Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)
Introduction to Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)-TDS in Tally; Vouchers / Transactions
Module 7: VAT – Value Added Tax
Introduction to VAT; VAT Masters- Vouchers and Transactions
Module 8: Service Tax
Introduction to Service Tax; Service Tax in Tally- Creating Masters: Voucher Creations
Module 9: Introduction to Payroll:
Generation of Employee Database, Salary Structure & Calculation Attendance & Leave Details, Salary Slip Generation, PF, ESI, Gratuity Bonus, Payroll Information; Employee Group-Employee-Salary Details-Units- Attendance / Production Type/ Voucher Types in Pay Roll
Module 10: Introduction to GST
GST enabled Invoice (CGST, SGST, and IGST) Purchase Invoice (Intrastate, Interstate), Sales Invoice (Intrastate, Interstate)

Textbooks / Reference Books:
1. GST Using Tally.ERP9 Paperback – 2017 by TALLY EDUCATION PRIVATE LIMITED
2. Learn Tally. ERP 9 with GST and E-Way Bill Paperback – 2018 by Rajesh Chheda (Author) ANE Publication

Business Accounting Using Tally.ERP9

Course: BBA

Course Objective
In today’s business scenario accounting has widened its scope from Book keeping, recording and summarizing financial transactions. It has now become an integral part of Enterprise Resource Planning. Objective of Computerized Accounting using Tally .ERP 9 is to impart Hands-on skill to students with the Modern accounting tools and techniques used in an Organization.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course student should be able to understand accounting and business operations. The students would also be able to explain the objective of financial reporting and related key accounting assumptions and principles. Finally students would be able to perform accounting operations on ERP software.

Duration of the Course: (in hours) 45 hrs

Module 1:
Introduction to Financial Accounting: Accounting Concepts, Accounting Rule
Module 2:
Financial Accounting Basics: Company Creation-Accounts Configuration- Accounts Classification-Voucher Types and Classes- Accounts Vouchers
Module 3:
Inventory: Introduction to Inventory; Stock Groups-Stock Categories-Stock Item- Locations / Go downs- Units of Measure-Price List-Tariff classification-Purchase and Sales Order= Invoice Entry-POS Invoice Bill of Material
Module 4: Document Printing
Printing, Printing Configuration for Vouchers and Printing Reports
Module 5: Software Maintenance & Upgrades
Upgrade- Data Maintenance-Export of Data
Module 6: Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)
Introduction to Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)-TDS in Tally; Vouchers / Transactions
Module 7: VAT – Value Added Tax
Introduction to VAT; VAT Masters- Vouchers and Transactions
Module 8: Service Tax
Introduction to Service Tax; Service Tax in Tally- Creating Masters: Voucher Creations
Module 9: Introduction to Payroll:
Generation of Employee Database, Salary Structure & Calculation Attendance & Leave Details, Salary Slip Generation, PF, ESI, Gratuity Bonus, Payroll Information; Employee Group-Employee-Salary Details-Units- Attendance / Production Type,Voucher Types in Pay Roll
Module 10: Introduction to GST
GST enabled Invoice (CGST, SGST, and IGST) Purchase Invoice (Intrastate, Interstate),Sales Invoice (Intrastate, Interstate)

Textbooks / Reference Books:
1. GST Using Tally.ERP9 Paperback – 2017 by TALLY EDUCATION PRIVATE LIMITED
2. Learn Tally. ERP 9 with GST and E-Way Bill Paperback – 2018 by Rajesh Chheda (Author) ANE Publication

Learn Bootstrap

Course Objectives:
  • Understand the advantages of using a component CSS framework.
  • Know the benefits of reusability in design and development.
  • How grid work and how to use them in mobile and responsive design.
  • Obtain an introduction to compiled CSS with LESS.
  • How to work with 3rd party components.
  • Integrate in existing web projects for fast development.
  • Learn what other web tools use Bootstrap

Duration of the Course:(in hours) 40 hrs

Course Outcomes

  • The students comes to know to design the responsive web page that the design should look great on all standard devices like Tablets, Phones and all screen sizes.
  • Easily access, code and process the data from desktop and phone also.
  • Easily create the responsive websites with easy layout
Course Content

Lesson 1: Bootstrap Scaffolding
• Mobile first design
• Why Bootstrap?
• Including Bootstrap
• Customizing install
• Responsive Design
• The "container" class
• How Grids work in Bootstrap
  • Grid classes (.col-xs-, .col-sm-, .col-md-, .col-lg-)
  • Adding offsets to columns
  • Pushing and pulling columns
  • Nesting columns
• Navigation components
  • Navs
  • Navbars
• Jumbotron component

Lesson 2: Page Components
• Headers
• Panels
• List Group
• Breadcrumbs
• Labels
• Buttons
• Glyph icons (with buttons, toolbars and form inputs)
• Wells

Lesson 3: Page Components: Forms
• Creating forms
• Inline and horizontal forms
• Form validation

Lesson 4: Bootstrap Plug-in
• Alert Messages
• Buttons and button groups
• Scroll Spy
• Tabs
• Collapse
• Carousel
• Modal

Lesson 5: Extending Bootstrap with Custom Plugins
• Bootbox.js
• Date Time Picker
• Font Awesome
• Off-Canvas
• Image Gallery
• Social Buttons
• Sweet Alert
• Yamm3 Mega Menu

Bootstrap Official Documentation

BIG Data Syllabus

Course Objectives:
This course is introduce with the goal to help students learn, understand, and practice big data analytics and machine learning approaches, which include the study of modern computing big data technologies. The primary course objective is conceptualization and summarization of big data and machine learning in Business. The objectives include:
  • Understand the Big Data Platform and its Use cases
  • Provide an overview of Apache Hadoop.
  • Provide HDFS Concepts and Interfacing with HDFS.
  • Understand Map Reduce Jobs.
  • Provide hands on Hodoop Eco System.

Total No of Lectures: 40

Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
  • Identify Big Data and its Business Implications.
  • List the components of Hadoop and Hadoop Eco-System.
  • Access and Process Data on Distributed File System.
  • Understands the fundamental of Map Reduce & H Base.
  • Manage Job Execution in Hadoop Environment.
  • Develop Big Data Solutions using Hadoop Eco System.

Course Content:
1. Overview of Big Data
This includes topics such as history of big data, its elements, career related knowledge, advantages, disadvantages and similar topics.
2. Using Big Data in Businesses
This module should focus on the application perspective of Big Data covering topics such as using big data in marketing, analytics, retail, hospitality, consumer good, defence etc.
3. Technologies for Handling Big Data
Big Data is primarily characterized by Hadoop. This module cover topics such as Introduction to Hadoop, functioning of Hadoop, Cloud computing (features, advantages, applications) etc.
4. Understanding Hadoop Ecosystem
This includes learning about Hadoop and its ecosystem which includes HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, HBase, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Zookeeper, Flume, Oozie etc.
5. Dig Deep to understand the fundamental of MapReduce and HBase
This module should cover the entire framework of MapReduce and uses of mapreduce.
6. Understanding Big Data Technology Foundations
This module covers the big data stack i.e. data source layer, ingestion layer, source layer, security layer, visualization layer, visualization approaches etc.
7. Databases and Data Warehouses
This module should cover all about databases, polygot persistence and their related introductory knowledge.
8. Using Hadoop to store data
This includes an entire module of HDFS, HBase and their respective ways to store and manage data along with their commands.
9. Learn to Process Data using Map Reduce
This emphasizes on developing simple map reduce framework and the concepts applied to it.
10. Testing and Debugging Map Reduce Applications
After the applications are developed, the next step is to test and debug it. This module imparts this knowledge.
11. Learn Hadoop YARN Architecture
This module covers the background of YARN, advantages of YARN, working with YARN, backward compatibility with YARN, YARN Commands, log management etc.
12. Exploring Hive
This module introduces you with all the necessary knowledge of Hive.
13. Exploring Pig
This module introduces you with all the necessary knowledge of PIG.
14. Exploring Oozie
This module introduces you with all the necessary knowledge of Oozie.
15. Learn NoSQL Data Management
This modules covers all about NoSQL including document databases, relationships, graph databases, schema less databases, CAP Theorem etc.
16. Integrating R and Hadoop and Understanding Hive in Detail
This module introduces you to RHadoop, ways to do text mining and related knowledge.