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A Guest lecture on Digital Food Marketing on 07/01/2020

 A guest lecture is organized at the ISM campus Patna on the topic of “ Digital Food Marketing”  The session is started By HoD-IT  professor  Mr. K.L. Ambashtha  by giving a brief introduction of the mentor Mrs Deep Singh,  who is a Research Officer at IIT, Delhi. During her session she emphasize over the digital food marketing apps  and   strategy. For this she focuses on various factors such as taste, convenience, health, and sustainability which are require for the marketing. she share different ideas to reach the audience like Enable Online Ordering, Be Active on Niche Food Communities, Start Up a Blog, Consider Asking Food Bloggers to Promote Your Products etc. Students were very enthusiastically participated in the guest lecture program, and learnt a lot practical application of Digital Food Marketing. The guest lecture completed with the presentation of ISM memento to the Mrs Deepa Singh..