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A Lecture series - 2 of FDP on "Role of ICT in education"

A Lecture series - 2 of FDP on "Role of ICT in education" is going to be organized by Human Resource Department, ISM Patna which is scheduled on 29/06/2020 (Monday)  from 11.00 AM-12.00 PM.

An Expert Talk on the topic Role of ICT in education- Lecture Series 2 (As a part of Faculty Development Program) was organized today by Human Resource Department of ISM Patna.

Dr Narayanmurty M, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka. Was the eminent speaker of the session? He has given a good insight on the topic. He emphasized the involvement of faculty members in teaching and learning activities with the help of ICT tools. He suggested that first of all students and teachers need to be friendly with this kind of tools and for the same training must be provided to them. He said that the kind of situation we are facing now a day is forcing us to adopt the new kind of technology. He suggested that several ICT tools can be used in effective teaching and learning process. The session intends to cover various themes related to Educational Technology (ET) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education and this series of interactive sessions will hopefully be a stepping stone in the enhancement of knowledge and skill of those working in the field of education.