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A two-day Workshop on Career and Concept in 21st Century

Date: 20/12/2021 & 21/12/2021
A two-day Workshop on Career and Concept in the 21st Century was organised on 20 and 21 December at ISM. Dr. Surojit Saha, CEO, School For All; HBX Core Coach, Harvard Business School, Boston, USA; PG in Management, IIM Kolkata; Education Advisor to Cabinet Minister, Karnataka, was the resource person of this workshop. Intending to impart corporate communication, persuasive skill, leadership quality, team work culture, vibrant teaching and learning ability, this workshop for students and teachers was organised by the Director of the Institute Prof. (Dr.) R. K. Singh. During four sessions of the workshop for two days Dr. Saha conducted several interactive team work to motivate students to take away the pragmatic knowledge of organisational behaviour, problem solving techniques in marketing, leadership quality, emotional intelligence, conducting case study, enthusiasm in learning ability, corporate communication, entrepreneurial skill etc. Dr. Saha also selected some students from different teams for junior CEOs internship programmes in his SFA organisation. The last session of the workshop, 21 st Century Entrepreneur Skill, was dedicated to the Faculty Development Programme of ISM.

This brilliant workshop was moderated by Dr. Sweta, Assistant Professor, HR, ISM. All the students and faculty members participated in this workshop enthusiastically to give education a new dimension of pragmatism in the 21 st century.