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Annual Sports Carnival 2021

On Friday, ISM concluded its three-day Annual Sports Carnival with the valedictory session chaired by the chief guest, Mr. Deepak Kr. Singh, IAS, Principal Secretary, Dept. of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of Bihar. This event was kicked off with great zeal and fervor on 22 December 2021. On the day of its inauguration the enthusiastic students, teaching and nonteaching members of the institute was overwhelmed to welcome the Chief Guest Ms Shreyasi Singh, 2018 Commonwealth Games Gold Medalist and Member of Legislative Assembly, Bihar, Shree. Samarendra Singh Sir,Chairman, ISM, Shree. Deval Singh Sir, VC, Mr. Amal Singh Sir,Secretary, Professor, (Dr.) R. K. Singh, Director, Dr. Surojit Saha, CEO, Schools for All and Mr. Nayan Ranjan Sinha, Convener of this Sports Carnival.

The carnival started with an auspicious inaugural session conducted in the auditorium of the institute. This session initiated with an offering floral tribute to Lt. Shree Tarkeshwar Singh, elder brother of Shree Samrendra Singh and Lt. Shree Digvijay Singh, father of Ms Shreyashi Singh, followed by lamp lighting and reciting Saraswati hymn. Prof. R. K. Singh Sir articulated a very warm, cordial, emotional and affable welcome address to the chief guest, Ms Shreyasi, Golden Girl of India. In her inaugural address of the event Ms. Singh recollected a few motivational incidents of her journey from being the first Indian shooter to a Member of Bihar Assembly and she said that sports spirit taught her how to learn form lost games, never compromise with the dream and work hard even in the worst conditions of life. The audience remained spellbound at their seats to listen to her motivational tag lines. This whole session moderated by Mrs. Shilpi Kavita, Domain Leader, Finance Department, ISM was ended with a vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Nayan Ranjan Sinha and National Anthem.

The sports events including both outdoor and indoor games cricket, volleyball, badminton, kabaddi, chess, carom, ludo and PUB G were kicked off with lightning sacred flame, a symbol of endeavour for perfection, spirit, knowledge and enthusiasm of life by Ms. Shreyasi, other dignitaries and participants of the games. About 600 participants participated in this sports carnival.

This three-day carnival was wound up the valedictory session held in the auditorium. The chief guest of this session was Mr. Deepak Kr. Singh who felicitated all the winners and runners up of different games. The Director of the institute, Professor (Dr.) R. K. Singh extended a warm welcome to the chief guest of this session. The Guest of Honour stressed on the need to maintain a balance between academic and sports activities. The eventful three days of vibrant sports carnival ended with the Vote of thanks proposed by the convener Mr. Nayan Ranjan Sinha.