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Anti Ragging Awareness Drive

In consonance with Academic Calendar-2021 prior to the induction of newly admitted students, the Anti- Ragging Committee organised an awareness program. The program was scheduled from 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM.

The program started in time, by chairperson of the committee Mr. Rajeshwar Dayal. He explained the Ragging, as a menace that causes fear and shock among students resulting in various dejections, drop-out or even suicidal attempts by fresher in educational institutions. It was also announced that few displays will be installed in the campus containing

1) Acts comes under the preview of ragging;
2) Punishment(s) awarded against ragging;
3) Name and contacts of persons to report

Henceforth, with the help of a PowerPoint presentation, committee member Mr. Nayan Ranjan Sinha, explained all the instruction which would have inscribed on the Display board. Afterwards, another member Ms. Pooja Dubey, addressed the students, and asked students to volunteer their services to curb the menaces like Ragging. With consent 10 students nominated as Volunteer.

The students’ queries were responded, and with slogan ‘Say No to Ragging’ the sessions concluded at about 02:30 PM.