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Disruptive Digital Marketing-Unleashing the power of Marketing

Theme: "Disruptive Digital Marketing-Unleashing the power of Marketing"

Key Note Speaker: Dr. S. Divya, Assistant Professor, VIT Business School,

VIT University, Chennai,
The Department of Information Technology (IT), International School of Management organized and successfully conducted Webinar on above mentioned theme. The scheduled time was 10:00 AM, but owing to limitation by Google to allow 100 participant only, the Key note speaker couldn’t joined in time and with eliminating few student delegates, she joined a little bit late. Webinar started 10:20 AM.
The Webinar started with a welcome address by Moderator Vandana Verma of Key note speaker, owing to time paucity and delayed start, after uttering her profile directly called the speaker to start delivery.
Dr. Divya made very elaborate delivery narrating a every aspects of the theme with the help of PowerPoint presentation. The presentation was dynamic with a quiz of topic discussed in the Webinar. The glimpses of her delivery are:

1.Started the session by Polling through www.menti.com. The Polling was done to have the idea of Prior knowledge of Digital Marketing/Disruptive Technologies among participants or Not.
2.The delivery was in two parts, First Digital Marketing; Second Disruptive Marketing.
3.Explained the importance of disruptive technologies which has changed our lives drastically. Mentioned 12 important technologies (AI, IoT, Mobile Internet, Cloud Technology, Automation of Work, Augmented Reality, Chat-Bot, Adv. Robotics, Blockchain, Renewable Energy, etc,) that are considered as disruptive technology but they have huge potential of revenue generation. Also discussed how the companies can decide their strategies intelligently to use these disruptive technologies for the digital marketing so that they can maximize their profit.
4.In last question-Answer sessions held. Many Questions were raised by student as well faculty members, and was satisfactorily answered by Speaker.
5.The session ends with a Quiz in which Chandan Kumar, Shubhangi Kumari and Rajan Kumar score the highest marks and got 1st, 2nd and 3rd position respectively.

Department Head Mr. Rajeshwar Dayal has given his concluding remarks as the webinar provided a thorough understanding of the concept on Disruptive Marketing – “Disruption is all about risk-taking, trusting on intuition, and rejecting the way things are supposed to be. Disruption goes way beyond common means like advertising; it forces us to think about where we want our brand to go and how to get there.”

The webinar concluded with a proposition of vote of thanks by Moderator of Webinar Ms. Vandana Verma, Asstt. Prof., Deptt. of IT, ISM