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e-Panel Discussion on "Recent Trends in Computer Science

Computer science has contributed a lot for making the life of human being smooth. The recent developments in the field of computer science are proven to be smarter and more applicable structures result from marrying the learning capability of the applications with the transparency and accuracy. Foundations of computer science applications highlight the advantages of integration making it a valuable resource for the students and researchers in engineering, computer science and applied mathematics. With the continuous improvisation in the computer science applications the need of the young generation is fulfilled and they can achieve their targets with the help of updated and enhanced support system

As most of the students are very much interested to know about latest trending technologies that are sure to dominate the IT industry in 2020 and the upcoming years. So, International School of Management, Patna in association has organized an e-Panel discussion on “Recent trends in Computer Science”. The resource persons are:-
1. Mr. Alok Tripathi, Director-In-Charge, NIELIT, Patna
2. Dr. Vaibhav Kumar , Director, Association of Data Scientists, Banglore
3. Dr. Neeranjanmurty M, Assistant Professor, S Ramaih Institute of Technology, Banglore

The session started with the brief introduction of resource persons by Dr. Ranjan Kumar Mishra, Assistant Professor and Head of Department (IT). Dr. Prashanta Kumar Padhy, Director, International School of Management Patna greeted all the participants and shared his thoughts regarding the latest trends in IT.

During the session, Dr. Alok Tripathi discussed all the recent technology and its use in different areas. He also shared the future scope of these technologies and its real time implementation in different area. Dr. Vaibhav Kumar discussed about the Data Science, IoT, Machine learning and Deep learning. But he focused on the future scope of Data Science in India and also discussed what qualities must need to become a successful data scientists. He also shared the average salary and the future scope of data science. Dr. Neeranjanmurthy M discussed about the role of virtual reality and its importance. He also discussed how many of students can make their career in software testing, whose programming skill is not good. His session was totally dedicated to the students and what type of technology will be suitable for them.

All the faculties and students not only from ISM but also from different colleges actively participated in this event and know the importance of latest technology like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Blockchain, IoT, Virtual Reality etc. and its future scope . All the participants enjoyed the session .The session ended with vote of thanks by Mr. Rajeshwar Dayal, Assistant Professor(IT).