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Ecosystem Restoration Activities

Upholding the United Nation’s mission to encourage awareness and action for the protection of the environment, the NSS and Cultural Club of ISM, Patna, organised virtual “Ecosystem Restoration Activities” on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th June, 2021.

Under the coordination of Assistant Professor, Mrs. Shilpi Kavita, hundreds of students of the institute participated in Composing Poem, Making Poster, Nature Photography, Plantation of Trees, Innovative Waste Management Technique, and Using Waste Materials in Building shelters for dogs and birds and Raising Funds to Donate Plantation Authority. All the activities were concerned with environmental issues such as global warming, marine pollution, human overpopulation, sustainable consumption, wildlife crime and saving the Erath one of the most beautiful planets of the solar system. All the participants and winners of the respective activities were awarded with E-certificates.