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Expert Talk on Cloud Computing &Technology

Keeping in pace with updated knowledge and preparing students employable in latest career opportunities, Department of IT, ISM organised a virtual expert talk on Cloud Computing & Technology on 19 th June 2021, Saturday. Prior to talk welcome address and introduction of the topic articulated by Head of the IT Department, Mr. Rajeshwar Dayal, Assistant Professor, IT, Ms Vandana Verma, moderator of the talk, briefed academic and professional achievements of the Expert, Mr. Amit Kumar who is a Software Engineer and In-house Trainer, at ITIL, Mumbai. Mr. Amit enlightened the participants about importance of Cloud Computing in the fast growing digital era, its advance uses in multitasking business and service organisations, and its promising employability in contemporary digitalised technocratic society.

He talked about different types of Cloud deployment like public, private, hybrid, and community clouds. In illustration of a query of student regarding private cloud he explained Cloud is nothing but networking of resources, networking of infrastructures, etc. During talk he used to cite Pizza for describing the working of Cloud computing. Very nicely illustrated IssS, PaaS, Saas. The talk was very interactive and insightful with pertinent questions related to the topic raised by the participants. The programme was wound up with the vote of thanks proposed by Assistant Professor, IT, Ms Jaya Kumari. The whole programme was transmitted on Zoom Meeting and Facebook Live by the IT team of ISM.