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Experts call for Self-reliant Youth, Self-reliant Nation in a Talk on Youth and Mental Happiness Part II at ISM

On Saturday, 3 September 2022, Dr. Anil Sulabh, President, Bihar Hindi Sahitya Sammelan Bihar, Sri Bidhan Candra Chaudhary, Social Activist, RSS, North Bihar, Sri Sunil Kumar Sinha, Ex-Director Central Bank RSETI, Dr. Abnish Ranjan, Rehabilitation Professional UNICEF, INDIA, Dr. Manoj Kumar, Clinical Psychologist, Social Welfare Department, Government of Bihar, called for the students at International School of Management Patna, to be self-reliant for a self-reliant nation.
The eminent socio-cultural, psychological and financial experts interacted with the ISM students in an event CME on Youth and Mental Happiness, Part II on the theme “The art of getting back on your feet after a setback” organised by NSS wing of the institute. They talked about youth and education, impact of society and culture on youth, today’s youth and financial management, impact of addiction on today’s youth, our self-reliant youth.
On the occasion conversing with the chief guests Director of ISM, Professor, Dr. R. K. Singh said, “ISM has remained dedicated to inculcating real essence of education into the youth even belonging to remote area of the province, so that a concept of self-reliant youth as the bedrock of self-reliant nation could be realised. The institute wishes to give the nation self- disciplined, self-resolute and self-reliant youths every year.”
Addressing the audience Dr. Anil Sulabh said, “A learner must think about the how to get mental peace since the external forces of the physical world distorts our morale and self- confidence. In turn distortion of mind weakens our resolution and integrity. That is why a learner should be humble, self-disciplined while taking education. A learner is the creator of his/her destiny.”
“Youth has tremendous power to turn the situation in either negative and positive direction. It depends on the role model he/she chooses to channelise his/her energy. The term youth cannot be limited within the limitations of age. It’s a mental state of will power which keeps us energetic and young at any stage of life” asserted by Sri Bidhan Candra Chaudhary.
Responding to the participants present in the auditorium in the post lunch session of the talk Sri Sunil Kumar Sinha emphasised that if youths really wish to be mentally happy, they must have a dream; and to fulfil the dream they should realise their need, want and savings.
“Mental happiness depends on health, time and financial management. The core of the financial management is knowing the art of compounding money.”, he advised. Delineating socio-psychological aspects of mental peace and happiness, Dr. Abnish Ranjan interacted by presenting his views on power, skill, self-reliance, positive thinking, hope and confidence. He said, “All these aspects make a youth and nation self-reliant; self-reliance ultimately becomes the cause of eternal happiness.”
A clinical psychologist, Dr. Manoj Kumar by citing his research on patients, suggested the participants to abstain from excessive consumption of internet. As addiction of mobile phone and internet gives rise to mental conflicts and eventually mental disorder. It weakens work productivity and diminishes a sound personality day by day. The BCA students of the institute under the guidance of Ms. Vandana Verma played a very sensitive skit on the theme
of “Misuse of Mobile Phone.”
Earlier, in the inaugural session of this talk all the dignitaries were welcomed by the chairperson of NSS cell, Ms. Shilpi Kavita. The Director, ISM along with Ms. Shilpi Kavita and Coordinator of this programme, Ms. Raj Sinha felicitated them with memento. Assistant Professor, Ms. Sushmita Soni moderated the post lunch session of the talk. A member of NSS cell, Assistant Professor, Mr. Rahul Kumar Sinha proposed vote of thanks to one and all concerned with this event.