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FinQuizitive - The National Level Quiz Competition on Finance

The Department of Economics & Finance conducted FinQuizitive- a National level quiz competition related to financial concepts and emerging trends in finance and tested the students’ core concepts in the area of finance.

The initiative was taken by the Department Head to nurture the interest and create awareness of students in the field of finance. It aimed to provide a platform for the students to show their knowledge and talent related to different domains of the financial services industry, such as Investment Banking, Taxation, Stock Market, Banking, corporate finance, retail banking, and Managerial Economics.

More than 500 students participated in the Quiz competition from all over India.

Google form was used with an inbuilt timer, where a total of 50 questions were given from all the core areas of finance and 30 Minutes were allotted to answer them.

Certificates were distributed in different categories. Certificate of Excellence was given to the top three position holders and Certificate of Achievement was given to those who scored more than60% and Certificate of Participation was given to the rest.