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Future and Scope for Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a term that is getting very popular by the day. Most brands are getting on with digital marketing because that’s where the new market is present. Digital is a boundless arena to brand and promote your business in order to reach a very big target audience, all at the same place.

As most of the students are very much interested to know about the latest trends of digital marketing and its impact on the current market. So, International School of Management, Patna in association with Future MastersMind has organized a webinar on “Future and Scope of Digital Marketing”. The resource person is Mr. Ambrish Shrivastava, Director (Digital Marketing) from Future MastersMind, Noida.

All the faculties and students not only from ISM but also from different colleges actively participated in the webinar and learn the importance of Digital Marketing and understand how you can get valuable insights about your customers so that you can enhance your business to suit the preferences of your target audience. The session started with the introduction and the importance of Digital Marketing. He suggested that it is not only beneficial for IT students but also for all the students from different streams like BBA and especially for PGDM students having marketing specialization. During the session, he discussed the real time implementation and how you can promote your product. He said that it serves as a medium to check how well your marketing strategies are performing, how people are getting engaged and responding to them. Analytic Tools like Google Analytics help you get results in real time for the strategies you implement for promoting your business online.

During the session, he discussed many advantages, different tools used for Digital Marketing and what is the career prospective for the students. All the participants enjoyed the session. .The webinar has been ended with an open question answer session.