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Health Checkup Camp-2019

International School of Management, Patna has organized a Free Health Check-up Camp in its premises on 25 September 2019 in association with Paras HMRI. Dr. Gautam R Prasad, Spine Consultant, while addressing the students, highlighted the major causes of spine diseases, created awareness and had shared common health tips to prevent such diseases. Dr. Neeraj Vedpuria, Clinical Psychologist conducted the Psychometric Test of over 300 students. He asked students to reduce fear and overcome anxiety. Depression is one of the major issues faced by the youth. Proper care is must to have a physically fit body with healthy mind. Dr.Ridu Kumar, Oncologist enhanced on leading a healthy and hygienic life to avoid cancer. Dr. Rajeev Ranjan, Orthopaedics stressed on consuming balanced diet to avoid problems related to bones. The villagers of Sarari, Lakhnibigha, Usri have come to the campus to avail the facility of free health check-up. To provide the quality education is the prime motto of ISM Patna, but it also believes in rendering its social responsibility by picking up the welfare activities which is well organized by the CSR coordinator, Dr. Sweta and the team of students without whom, these activities will be difficult to organize. More than 100 people have availed the benefit and made the event truly successful. Kudos to the CSR team of ISM Patna!