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ISM Conducted a Guest Lecture on Computer Organization and Architecture with C Programming

Under the guidance of Director, Professor, (Dr.) R. K. Singh, the IT Department of International School of Management, Patna organised a Guest Lecture on “Computer Organization and Architecture with C Programming" on Monday, 13 February. Mr. Saurav Kumar, an M. Tech in Computer Science from Millennium Institute of Technology and Science, RGPV Bhopal, held this two-hour talk for the BCA Vth semester students of the institute as the key-note speaker.

During this insightful talk the students could know about Functional blocks of a computer, Data representation, Instruction set architecture of a CPU, Hardwired and micro-programmed design approaches, Pipelining, parallel processors, Concurrent access to memory and cache coherency etc. The participants interacted with the speaker with their queries related to basics of processor, integers, cache memory, secondary memory, computer graphics and cloud computing.

The chief guest was warmly welcomed by Programme Coordinator and Nodal Head of the institute, Mr. Rajeshwar Dayal, Domain Leader of IT, Ms. Jaya Kumari, Assistant Professor, Ms Vandana Verma, Mr. Ravi Singh and the other faculty members of the IT department. On this occasion Ms. Jaya Kumari said, “Through such an interactive session with an expert, students could connect their class-room knowledge to the practical aspects of corporate world, which proves to be very useful at the time of their placement.”