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IT Conclave-2022

The IT Department of International School of Management organised IT Conclave 2022 on the theme “Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry” getting tunned with Principles to Practices, a clarion call of New Education Policy of the Government of India. Organised under the able guidance of honourable Chairman, Vikramsheela Group of Institutions, Sri Samrendra Singh, ISM Vice Chairman, Sri Deval Singh, Secretary, Sri Amal Singh, this conclave was inaugurated by the Director of ISM, Professor, Dr R. K. Singh, and also declared open for panel discussions, presentations and exhibitions by him.

After the welcome address presented by Assistant Professor, Mrs. Vandana Verma, the Domain Leader of the IT Department Mrs. Jaya Kumari outlined the theme and objective of the conclave. She said, “The key elements of the conclave are to provide exposure to multiple career dimensions in IT along with contemporary trends and opportunities in industries. It is to address the technologies, issues, challenges, and career opportunities in the IT domain.” In this conclave, eminent academicians and IT experts Mr. Abhishek Anand, Assistant Professor, NIT Patna, Mr. Prateek Sinha, Data Engineer at EXL Services, Gurgaon, Mr. Gopal Krishna, Assistant Professor, NIT Patna, called for emphasis on a shift from principles to practice based learning to keep pace with the flux in IT Sectors.

In his keynote address, Mr. Abhishek Anand talked about drastic changes that took place in the last ten years in the IT sector. He made the participants aware about Cyber Security, Malware Analysis and use of IOT in agriculture and power grid sector. Mr. Ashirvad Kumar, Lead Data Engineer, Ernst & Young, Bangalore, advised the students to think about Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Cloud Computing as future career prospects. He made them aware for the preparation of AMCAT, Hacker Rank, G. Shop Tests to get Grade A placement in IT sector. Mr. Pratik Sinha called for emphasis on experimental learning. He counselled the students to explore knowledge of technology through online consumption and also to make the resume stronger through internship and enhance both technical and communication skill in equal-proportion. He also suggested to plan for getting placements in service or product-based industries.
While Mr. Gopal Krishna said, “The gap between academia and industry could bridged only when the learners are to understand present situation of the society, market trends, self-awareness and their responsibilities. They should connect every topic of their syllabus with real life situation.” Under the observation of these IT experts a team of IT students led by Assistant Professor, ISM, Mr. Ravi Singh exhibited various models of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. They also presented their views on the principles of logic-gate circuit, bubble-sort, Virtual Reality, Mobile Apps and computing, Cloud Computing through games and skits.

In his Valedictory Address the Program coordinator and Nodal Head of the institute, Assistant Professor, Mr. Rajeshwar Dayal, after conveying earnest thanks to the dignitaries, advised the students to always think about three ‘W’ that is what, why and how only then they can be benefitted by such types of conclaves. These three Ws could mould their personality and it could also pave the way for exploration of knowledge and technical skills. They could enhance
their employability in the global market. Eventually best three team leaders of presenters belonging to BCA IV Chandan
Kumar for exhibiting cloud computing, Vishal for Automated Street Light, and Shubham Arman for Virtual Assisted were felicitated with third, second and first prize respectively by the dignitaries present on the occasion. The whole day
long programme was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by convener of the Conclave Mrs. Jaya Kumari.