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NCB Observed Freedom from Drugs Fortnight with ISM Students

With the kind permission of Director, International School of Management Patna, Prof. (Dr.) R. K. Singh Narcotics Control Bureau (Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India) organised a seminar on the theme of “Freedom from Drugs” on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, to make the students aware of drug abuses. One of the parts of “Nashe se aajaadee pakhwaada” (Freedom from Drugs Fortnight)’ this seminar was conducted by Inspector, NCB, SSB, Jitendra Mohan Mishra, along with fifteen personnel of Frontier Headquarters, SSB, Patna. In his deliberations Mr. Mishra highlighted how the youth is trapped by the drug peddlers in different parts of our country. He made the students aware about such anti-social elements. At the end of the seminar all the participants took oath to abstain from drugs and ‘Say Yes to Life, No to Drugs’. This awareness programme was wound up with the felicitation of Mr. Mishra by the Director, ISM Patna.