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Nukkad Natak – ‘Sab Kuch Sadak Par’

What a wonderful way to pay homage to the Father of this incredible Nation, Mahatma Gandhiji, on his 150 birth anniversary on 2 nd October 2018. Marking the significance of this day, since 2014 the Prime Minister of India initiated with the program, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. We the citizen of India are responsible for its cleanliness. We Indians do believe in, ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’. The Cultural Committee of ISM Patna organized various activities, including nukkad natak at and outside the campus. The enthusiastic students of dramatics club, picked the theme of the nukkad natak, ‘Sab Kuch Sadak Par’ which was to generate awareness among the common people on the major issues of dumping the arbageout of their houses, spitting on roads, open defecation, hygiene, etc. Students of undergraduate and post graduate presented nukkad natak at Danapur Station. The efforts were to deliver the message to that society that often the literates behave more like illiterates. Many Indians still live with unacceptable myths. Work is communalized on the basis of caste. Though India is called as democratic country, yet lot many reforms are needed to give equal rights and equal opportunities to all. Focus of the nukkad natak was both on inner and outer cleanliness so that we can make our state and country, ‘Heaven on the Earth’.