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Orientation Programme “Deeksharambh” 2022 Started at ISM

ISM Patna (2 September 2022): A four-day orientation programme “Deeksharambh” 2022 for the PGDM, BBA, BCA, B. Com and BJMC students was organised on Tuesday, 6 August 2022. Obeying the convention of the institution, the programme commenced with the light lamping and Saraswati prayer. The commencement of the event was marked by the cordial welcome speech to the Chief Guest, Honourable Minister Department of Art, Youth and Culture, Government of Bihar, Sri Jitendra Kumar Rai, Vice Chairman, Sri Deval Singh, Secretary, Sri Amal Singh and Director, ISM, Dr. R. K. Singh presented by the Domain Leader of Finance, Assistant Professor, Ms. Shilpi Kavita.

Succeeding that, the Director, ISM made students familiarised with the rules and regulations of the institute. In course of his deliberations, he talked about active cooperation of more than 20 committees, clubs and cells existed on the campus to improve holistic development of the personality. He said, “With the help a team of erudite faculty members and several activities the students in every domain could feel confident in achieving placement just even the starting of their last semester.” He asserted that ISM wanted to produce self-disciplined and self-reliant youth for the self-reliant nation.

Thereafter Honourable minister congratulated the students for being a part of the best business school of Bihar and wished them for a bright future with a disciplined and dedicated team of this institute in amiable environment of the campus. He said to the students, “Government of Bihar is dedicated to assist such type of premier institute of the province in achieving excellence in education. He assured that the government would extend its all-possible assistance to ISM to be converted into Vikramshila University within a year. He asked them to solely focus on building their skills, which would help them to face the world in future.

Following that, the domain leaders of Finance, IT and Marketing took turns to introduce their members, related activities and exhorted the students to remain motivated against all odds. Thereafter, various clubs and societies were briefed by the moderated of the programme Ms. Shilpi Kavita. Eventually, the first day of the Deeksharambh came to an end with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Sushmita Soni.