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Strategic Management & Competitive Advantage

With an objective to impart specialised knowledge to the students about market strategy and its impact on competiveness ISM organised a lecture on Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage on Saturday. The session started with the welcome speech by Soumya Shukla Mam. The resource person of the session was Dr. Sanjay Dhir, an eminent academician and presently an Associate Professor of Strategic Management Area, at DMS, IIT Delhi. Through his pragmatic approach to deliberations the participants could learn about general concepts of strategy, significance of vision and mission in branding a company, sagacious looking forward attitude of successful persons, methods to create sense of utility among consumers and competitiveness in a given market etc. Dr. Dhir also cited a few strategic vision tag lines of some reputed brands and their success stories in the market. This very interactive and insightful E-lecture convened by Marketing Department of ISM was moderated by Assistant Professor Ms. Soumya Shukla and actively cooperated by Mr. Nayan Ranjan Sinha and Dr. Tushar Arya.