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Webinar on Impact of Covid 19 on E learning and Rising Entrepreneurs by NSS,ISM Patna

The National Service Scheme of International School of Management organized a National webinar on 8th August 2020. The theme of the session was “Impact of Covid 19 on E learning and Rising Entrepreneurs “The session was inaugurated by the welcome address presented by Assistant Prof. Ms. Shilpi Kavita,Program Officer,NSS,ISM,Patna. There were three distinguished speakers Mr.Vijoy Prakash(Retd.IAS)Chairman of Bihar Vidyapeeth and Atal Incubation Centre ,Ms.Mona Lisa (Social Activist)and Mr.Atulya Ranjan(Social Activist).The first speaker Mr. Vijoy Prakash emphasised on the sustainability of E Learning as a tool in this pandemic situation. The second speaker Ms.Mona Lisa MD , Mithinga waste management pvt ltd. focussed on the concept of Entrepreneurs and its importance in the society.She added to the feathers of E ntrepreneurs by treating them as a big artist of the society. The third speaker was Mr. Atulya Ranjan .He talked on Entrepreneurs in the Pandemic situation and how to encourage these entrepreneurs in helping the economy to stabilise along with self-development. More than 200 participants actively participated and raised their questions which were well answered by the speakers. The participants were mainly students of different institutes across different states, faculty and staff of ISM Patna. A vote of thanks was conveyed by Ms.Shilpi Kavita ,