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Workshop on Yoga and Meditation

International School of Management, Patna has organized one day workshop on Yoga and Meditation for the students of BBA first year. Mr. Subhash Jha, Member of Isha foundation was the trainer and facilitator. The purpose of the workshop was to create an environment, to explore the higher dimensions of life which offers tools to engineer one's self through the inner science of yoga and meditation. Once given the tools to rejuvenate, people can optimize all aspects of health, inner growth and success. For those seeking professional and personal excellence, yoga and meditation offer keys for meaningful and fulfilling relationships at home, institute, community, and most importantly, within one's self.Inner Engineering can be thought of as a synthesis of holistic sciences which can help participants establish an inner foundation and vision for all dimensions of life and find the necessary balance between the challenges of a hectic career and the inner longing for peace and well being. The approach is a modern antidote to stress and presents simple but powerful processes from yogic science to purify the system and increase health and inner well being. Program components include guided meditations and transmission of the sacred Shambhavi Maha Mudra. Students enthusiastically participated. The queries that the students had related to doing meditation were well answered and at the same time, were encouraged to realize the importance of such a wonderful method of stress buster.